Monday, January 1, 2018

How to create a cleanroom smoke Visualisation cleanrooms make visualisation in a class seven and class eight cleanrooms Suite built to ISO 14644.1 standards which shows smoke visualisation of laminar airflow,mixed airflow, differential pressures across doors, exhaust air entrainment, large particulars entrainment from low-level. Hello and welcome to Cleanrooms Australia presentation of "how to create a smoke visualisation in a cleanroom" we would like to take this opportunity to show you around and ISO 14644 class seven and class eight mixed flow cleanroom facility. There is some laminar flow in this cleanroom, below the HEPA filter, that is to be located directly above a production area, once the machinery and equipment is in place, you may have noticed that we have turned down the lighting from 800 Lux to create shadows on the walls to give some contrast against the crisp white smoke, at a high density. With all these things taken into consideration, you can get some very good visualisation of the mixing of the air, the laminar flow and the mixed flow differential pressures, across the boundaries, and I surely going to do this on one or two occasions, to prove your conditions of mixed air flow or laminar air flow, we take the opportunity to do this, during the commissioning stage while technicians are still able to enter the cleanroom without gowning, as the smoke is likely to do contaminate the cleanroom facility, if you don't get the shot in one or two takes, if it's a mixed flow area you're likely to get the smoke disseminating across the cleanroom and you won't be able to get a clear shot very well. The idea here is that you wait for the recovery of the room once the cleanroom has recovered you take a shot. It is also important to use a smoke with large enough particle size to get caught in the primary filters as not to affect the secondary or terminal HEPA filters. The density of the smoke is very important as you can see here with a high airflow across the boundary it somewhat hard to see a flow of air although you can still identify it because of the high density of smoke within the airstream. Thank you for your time and I hope that helped you

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