Cold storage is a relatively simple cold room that is commonly used to store material between 2[degrees] to 8[degrees]C. Such cold rooms are now available commercially as walk-in chambers and are used for the storage of critical pharmaceutical products, samples, and raw materials where excursions in temperature conditions may affect the quality of stored material(s) in terms of their appearance (color), consistency, potency, and impurity levels. Hence it is essential to qualify cold storage chambers under the worst-case scenarios.
Some pharmaceutical manufacturers perform only Installation Qualification (IQ) and Operational Qualification (OQ) of cold rooms, but the Performance Qualification (PQ) is also essential because data-based conclusions should be arrived at by challenging the system for all the attributes that may have bearing on the performance of the chamber for maintaining the desired temperature conditions.
21CFR 211.142 and 211.150: Storage and Distribution
USP Chapter 1079: Good Storage and Shipping Practices
"Qualification of cold equipment or stores"--On a regular basis, qualification procedures should be independently conducted on equipment in cold stores to guarantee their suitability and proper functioning. The procedure should demonstrate the temperature profile for both air and product temperatures when chambers are empty as well as when loaded. The procedure should also demonstrate the time taken for temperatures to exceed the maximum temperature in the event of a power failure. Qualification should consider thermal fluctuations that occur during stock replenishment and order removal. The results of the qualification should demonstrate the ability of the equipment to maintain the required temperature range in all areas, defining any zones which should not be used for storage such as those areas in close proximity to cooling coils, doors, or cold air streams from equipment ventilation. The variability of the system can be characterized by using the relative standard deviation. Thermal monitoring should establish that the system is rugged in that its temperature profile is consistent and reliable.
Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA)
Rules and Guidance for Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Distributors 2007, Section IV "Guidance on Wholesale Distribution Practice" pg 358:
"Large commercial refrigerators and walk-in cold rooms should be monitored with an electronic temperature--recording device that measures load temperature in one or more locations, depending on the size of the unit.... Internal air temperature distribution should be mapped on installation in the empty and full state, and annually thereafter, under conditions of normal use."
Irish Republic
Irish Medicines Board: Guide to Control and Monitoring of Storage and Transportation Temperature Conditions for Medicinal Products and Active Substances PDA Technical Report No. 39
Cold chain guidance for medicinal products: maintaining the quality of temperature-sensitive products through the transportation environment.
World Health Organization
Guidelines on Good Distribution Practices (GDPs) are incorporated into volume 2, good manufacturing practices and inspections, in "Quality Assurance of Pharmaceuticals."
Food and Drug Regulations, Section C.02.015 Guidelines for Temperature Control of Drug Products during Storage and Transportation (Guide--0069)
* Storage is a critical parameter in maintaining the quality, safety, and efficacy of a medical product.
* Storage condition is an important parameter to maintaining the stability of the product.
* Product must be stored in accordance with the requirements of its marketing authorization.
Normally, the Design Qualification (DQ), Installation Qualification (IQ), and Operational Qualifications (OQ) of the cold room are performed prior to the Performance Qualification (PQ). The IQ/OQ of the chamber are easy to perform and document, and a majority of pharmaceutical manufacturers comply with this requirement. The supplier of the equipment also helps in performing these qualification tests for IQ and OQ.
Now the question arises as to why and how the performance of the cold storerooms or chambers should be qualified.
The purpose of the PQ of the cold room is to establish sufficient data to ensure that the cold room is capable of:
* Maintaining the desired temperature range throughout the cold room under extremes of external temperature.
* Identifying potential hot spot(s) or cold spot(s) in the chamber.
* Determining the time required for conditions to return to specified parameters (as desired) in case of excursions.
* Determining the effects of electrical or refrigeration source fluctuations or power failure--especially where back-up units are employed.
While designing the validation study (protocol), understanding the design of the cold room is helpful. A cold room or chamber is a room in the shape of a cubical, made with prefabricated Polyurethane Foam (PUF) insulated panels or of brick and mortar with insulation to maintain the desired conditions of temperature and humidity within. Knowing that the seal between any two panels is integral, and that there are no openings, other than the door, which may disturb the conditions of the chamber. Understanding of the design of the chamber is needed to decide on the number of probes and their locations for temperature monitoring.
Parameters that may affect the Condition of the Cold Room
It is desired that the cold room chamber provide controlled temperature conditions. There are several parameters that may have an impact on the condition of the cold room. These include:
* External temperature conditions
* Door opening time during handling of material in and/or out of the Cold Room
* Power breakdown
* Air flow velocity through fans (not less than 2400 CFM (cubic feet per minute))
* Too much material stored in the room (thermal load)
Therefore, during the PQ study the above listed parameters should be subjected as simulated worst-case conditions because these parameters may have an impact on the performance of the cold room.
The temperature mapping is accomplished by using temperature indicating probes coupled with a data logger for data accusation. Questions may be asked regarding the number of probes to be utilized and their placement in the cold room for temperature mapping in the empty room and the loaded room. The basic consideration should be that the probes are distributed uniformly in the room and should cover all the vertical planes. A minimum of fifteen (15) probes were considered adequate for mapping of the temperature of the cold room to verify its performance (1).
Justification for Probe Locations
Probe location should be decided logically, strategically, and scientifically. The following locations cover the entire room:
Probe No 1:
External environment outside the cold room
Probe No 2:
To calibrate along with the in-built temperature and humidity probe of the room
Probe No 3:
Near to the door opening
Probe No 4:
At the centre of the room
Probes No 5, 6, 7, 8:
Top layer four corners of the room, but not at the extreme corners
Probes No 9, 10, 11, 12:
Bottom layer four corners of the room, but not at the extreme corners
Probe No 13:
In mid-region between the door and Probe No 4
Probe No 14:
In mid-region between back of wall and Probe No 4
Probe No 15:
In mid-region between floor and Probe No 4
By placing the probes in these positions, you will completely cover the room and all the planes of the cuboid (chamber). Such mapping is also conducted as an operational qualification to check whether the components or utilities are capable of providing the desired conditions.
For performance qualification, two separate studies are required to be performed. One study should be completed for the temperature distribution in an empty room or chamber running continually for 24 hours. The second would be a temperature distribution study in a loaded room or chamber. Load the boxes with material that simulates a thermal load, such as starch, lactose, or water in bottles (in case liquid is to be stored in the chamber) record the temperature intermittently for 75 hours each, for three seasons (i.e., peak Summer, Monsoon (as applicable), and Winter) to demonstrate that there is no effect of seasonal variations on the temperature controls in the cold room.
For Blower Performance
The CFM of the blower should be checked and recorded at each prequalification (PQ) test point. This information shall help to decide whether the air circulation from the blower is the cause, if the condition is not achieved at one or more locations, or it is the cause of the loading pattern of the materials in the chamber, where the temperature is being monitored.
For Empty Room or Chamber
Set the temperature of the cold room at the desired temperature and operate the cold room according to Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). Perform temperature mapping for 24 hours with five minute sampling intervals. After completion of the study, review the data to identify the hot spot and cold spot areas in the cold room.
For Loaded Room or Chamber
Load the entire room with dummy boxes (as described earlier under "PERFORMANCE QUALIFICATION STUDIES") on the pallets or racks up to its 80% capacity, maintaining gaps between boxes for uniform circulation of air. Set the temperature of the cold room at the desired temperature and operate the cold room according to SOP. Perform the temperature mapping for 72 hours with five minute recording intervals. After completion of the study, review the data and identify the hot spots and cold spots in the loaded cold room.
The following worst-case conditions should be simulated:
For Power Failure Condition
A power failure study should be conducted at a peak temperature hour in summer. When the cold room is in operation and within the set temperature level, switch the power off from the mains. Record the temperature at intervals of one minute for simulation of conditions of power outage.
Continue recording the temperature until the temperature within the chamber falls outside the acceptance criteria. When the temperature is out of limit at the hot spot area identified earlier in the study, switch ON the mains and continue recording at intervals of one minute until the desired temperature is achieved. Record the time required for conditions to go beyond the limits from normal under the simulated situation of power failure, and again, the time required for regaining the desired conditions upon power resumption.
For Open Door Condition
The open door condition study should be conducted at a peak temperature hour in summer. When the cold room is in operating condition and the temperature is within the set value, open the door and record the temperature at intervals of one minute. With door open, continue recording the temperature until the temperature within the cold room is out of acceptance criteria.
When the temperature is out of limit at the hot spot identified earlier in the study, close the door and continue recording until the desired conditions are regained. Record the time required for conditions to go beyond the limits, from normal under the simulated situation of the door being opened and the time required to regain the desired conditions upon closure of the chamber's door.
Performance Qualification of cold room to be requalified for:
* Replacement of existing room component with a new one, which can have a direct impact on the performance of the cold room.
* Any major modification in a key machine (such as the compressor) which can affect the performance of the cold room.
The PQ should be conducted annually under normal usage.
The temperature for the cold room or chamber is the critical parameter, since excursions in temperature conditions may affect the quality of stored material(s). It is essential, therefore, to qualify cold room performance under worst-case scenarios. The approach described above for conducting the performance qualification of such cold rooms or chambers, with the consideration of all possible challenges that may have a bearing on the desired acceptance criteria addresses each potential issue. Conducting the studies following the methodology outlined, the impact of situations such as opening the door, or power failure for a given period can be known. Further, through these procedures, it is possible to identify the hot spot and cold spot and the time required to regain the desired temperature conditions if disturbed because of adverse conditions.
1. Michael J.A., Anderson N.R., "Sterilization Validation." In R.A.Nash, A.H.Wachter, eds., Pharmaceutical Process Validation 3rd Ed. New York: Marcel Dekker, PP. 100(2003).
2. Food and Drug Administration, 21CFR 211.142 and 211.150 (Storage and Distribution).
3. The United States Pharmacopeia, Chapter 1079: Good Storage and Shipping Practices.
4. Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency, Rules and Guidance for Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Distributors 2007, Section IV "Guidance on Wholesale Distribution Practice" pg 358.
Francis Fernandes is Quality Assurance Manager of Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Colvale, Goa, India. He has over eight years in the pharmaceutical industry in areas that include manufacturing, technical services, and Quality Assurance. Mr. Francis Fernandes specializes in the validation of equipment, utilities, manufacturing, cleaning, and product processes. He can be reached by e-mail at,
Dr. Subhash Pande is Vice President Corporate Quality Assurance, in Glenmark Pharmaceutical Limited, Mumbai. Having over 20 years of experience in manufacturing, Quality Assurance of APIs, Sterile, Oral, and Semi-solid Oral dosage forms, Teaching and Research. A life member of Indian Pharmaceutical Congress and ISPE, he has more than twelve research papers published in National and International journals. He is also associated with IBC Asia, for training. He also is involved in academic activities in the capacity of Guest Lecturer and as Examiner. He can be reached by email at or
Article Acronym Listing
Some pharmaceutical manufacturers perform only Installation Qualification (IQ) and Operational Qualification (OQ) of cold rooms, but the Performance Qualification (PQ) is also essential because data-based conclusions should be arrived at by challenging the system for all the attributes that may have bearing on the performance of the chamber for maintaining the desired temperature conditions.
21CFR 211.142 and 211.150: Storage and Distribution
USP Chapter 1079: Good Storage and Shipping Practices
"Qualification of cold equipment or stores"--On a regular basis, qualification procedures should be independently conducted on equipment in cold stores to guarantee their suitability and proper functioning. The procedure should demonstrate the temperature profile for both air and product temperatures when chambers are empty as well as when loaded. The procedure should also demonstrate the time taken for temperatures to exceed the maximum temperature in the event of a power failure. Qualification should consider thermal fluctuations that occur during stock replenishment and order removal. The results of the qualification should demonstrate the ability of the equipment to maintain the required temperature range in all areas, defining any zones which should not be used for storage such as those areas in close proximity to cooling coils, doors, or cold air streams from equipment ventilation. The variability of the system can be characterized by using the relative standard deviation. Thermal monitoring should establish that the system is rugged in that its temperature profile is consistent and reliable.
Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA)
Rules and Guidance for Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Distributors 2007, Section IV "Guidance on Wholesale Distribution Practice" pg 358:
"Large commercial refrigerators and walk-in cold rooms should be monitored with an electronic temperature--recording device that measures load temperature in one or more locations, depending on the size of the unit.... Internal air temperature distribution should be mapped on installation in the empty and full state, and annually thereafter, under conditions of normal use."
Irish Republic
Irish Medicines Board: Guide to Control and Monitoring of Storage and Transportation Temperature Conditions for Medicinal Products and Active Substances PDA Technical Report No. 39
Cold chain guidance for medicinal products: maintaining the quality of temperature-sensitive products through the transportation environment.
World Health Organization
Guidelines on Good Distribution Practices (GDPs) are incorporated into volume 2, good manufacturing practices and inspections, in "Quality Assurance of Pharmaceuticals."
Food and Drug Regulations, Section C.02.015 Guidelines for Temperature Control of Drug Products during Storage and Transportation (Guide--0069)
* Storage is a critical parameter in maintaining the quality, safety, and efficacy of a medical product.
* Storage condition is an important parameter to maintaining the stability of the product.
* Product must be stored in accordance with the requirements of its marketing authorization.
Normally, the Design Qualification (DQ), Installation Qualification (IQ), and Operational Qualifications (OQ) of the cold room are performed prior to the Performance Qualification (PQ). The IQ/OQ of the chamber are easy to perform and document, and a majority of pharmaceutical manufacturers comply with this requirement. The supplier of the equipment also helps in performing these qualification tests for IQ and OQ.
Now the question arises as to why and how the performance of the cold storerooms or chambers should be qualified.
The purpose of the PQ of the cold room is to establish sufficient data to ensure that the cold room is capable of:
* Maintaining the desired temperature range throughout the cold room under extremes of external temperature.
* Identifying potential hot spot(s) or cold spot(s) in the chamber.
* Determining the time required for conditions to return to specified parameters (as desired) in case of excursions.
* Determining the effects of electrical or refrigeration source fluctuations or power failure--especially where back-up units are employed.
While designing the validation study (protocol), understanding the design of the cold room is helpful. A cold room or chamber is a room in the shape of a cubical, made with prefabricated Polyurethane Foam (PUF) insulated panels or of brick and mortar with insulation to maintain the desired conditions of temperature and humidity within. Knowing that the seal between any two panels is integral, and that there are no openings, other than the door, which may disturb the conditions of the chamber. Understanding of the design of the chamber is needed to decide on the number of probes and their locations for temperature monitoring.
Parameters that may affect the Condition of the Cold Room
It is desired that the cold room chamber provide controlled temperature conditions. There are several parameters that may have an impact on the condition of the cold room. These include:
* External temperature conditions
* Door opening time during handling of material in and/or out of the Cold Room
* Power breakdown
* Air flow velocity through fans (not less than 2400 CFM (cubic feet per minute))
* Too much material stored in the room (thermal load)
Therefore, during the PQ study the above listed parameters should be subjected as simulated worst-case conditions because these parameters may have an impact on the performance of the cold room.
The temperature mapping is accomplished by using temperature indicating probes coupled with a data logger for data accusation. Questions may be asked regarding the number of probes to be utilized and their placement in the cold room for temperature mapping in the empty room and the loaded room. The basic consideration should be that the probes are distributed uniformly in the room and should cover all the vertical planes. A minimum of fifteen (15) probes were considered adequate for mapping of the temperature of the cold room to verify its performance (1).
Justification for Probe Locations
Probe location should be decided logically, strategically, and scientifically. The following locations cover the entire room:
Probe No 1:
External environment outside the cold room
Probe No 2:
To calibrate along with the in-built temperature and humidity probe of the room
Probe No 3:
Near to the door opening
Probe No 4:
At the centre of the room
Probes No 5, 6, 7, 8:
Top layer four corners of the room, but not at the extreme corners
Probes No 9, 10, 11, 12:
Bottom layer four corners of the room, but not at the extreme corners
Probe No 13:
In mid-region between the door and Probe No 4
Probe No 14:
In mid-region between back of wall and Probe No 4
Probe No 15:
In mid-region between floor and Probe No 4
By placing the probes in these positions, you will completely cover the room and all the planes of the cuboid (chamber). Such mapping is also conducted as an operational qualification to check whether the components or utilities are capable of providing the desired conditions.
For performance qualification, two separate studies are required to be performed. One study should be completed for the temperature distribution in an empty room or chamber running continually for 24 hours. The second would be a temperature distribution study in a loaded room or chamber. Load the boxes with material that simulates a thermal load, such as starch, lactose, or water in bottles (in case liquid is to be stored in the chamber) record the temperature intermittently for 75 hours each, for three seasons (i.e., peak Summer, Monsoon (as applicable), and Winter) to demonstrate that there is no effect of seasonal variations on the temperature controls in the cold room.
For Blower Performance
The CFM of the blower should be checked and recorded at each prequalification (PQ) test point. This information shall help to decide whether the air circulation from the blower is the cause, if the condition is not achieved at one or more locations, or it is the cause of the loading pattern of the materials in the chamber, where the temperature is being monitored.
For Empty Room or Chamber
Set the temperature of the cold room at the desired temperature and operate the cold room according to Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). Perform temperature mapping for 24 hours with five minute sampling intervals. After completion of the study, review the data to identify the hot spot and cold spot areas in the cold room.
For Loaded Room or Chamber
Load the entire room with dummy boxes (as described earlier under "PERFORMANCE QUALIFICATION STUDIES") on the pallets or racks up to its 80% capacity, maintaining gaps between boxes for uniform circulation of air. Set the temperature of the cold room at the desired temperature and operate the cold room according to SOP. Perform the temperature mapping for 72 hours with five minute recording intervals. After completion of the study, review the data and identify the hot spots and cold spots in the loaded cold room.
The following worst-case conditions should be simulated:
For Power Failure Condition
A power failure study should be conducted at a peak temperature hour in summer. When the cold room is in operation and within the set temperature level, switch the power off from the mains. Record the temperature at intervals of one minute for simulation of conditions of power outage.
Continue recording the temperature until the temperature within the chamber falls outside the acceptance criteria. When the temperature is out of limit at the hot spot area identified earlier in the study, switch ON the mains and continue recording at intervals of one minute until the desired temperature is achieved. Record the time required for conditions to go beyond the limits from normal under the simulated situation of power failure, and again, the time required for regaining the desired conditions upon power resumption.
For Open Door Condition
The open door condition study should be conducted at a peak temperature hour in summer. When the cold room is in operating condition and the temperature is within the set value, open the door and record the temperature at intervals of one minute. With door open, continue recording the temperature until the temperature within the cold room is out of acceptance criteria.
When the temperature is out of limit at the hot spot identified earlier in the study, close the door and continue recording until the desired conditions are regained. Record the time required for conditions to go beyond the limits, from normal under the simulated situation of the door being opened and the time required to regain the desired conditions upon closure of the chamber's door.
Performance Qualification of cold room to be requalified for:
* Replacement of existing room component with a new one, which can have a direct impact on the performance of the cold room.
* Any major modification in a key machine (such as the compressor) which can affect the performance of the cold room.
The PQ should be conducted annually under normal usage.
The temperature for the cold room or chamber is the critical parameter, since excursions in temperature conditions may affect the quality of stored material(s). It is essential, therefore, to qualify cold room performance under worst-case scenarios. The approach described above for conducting the performance qualification of such cold rooms or chambers, with the consideration of all possible challenges that may have a bearing on the desired acceptance criteria addresses each potential issue. Conducting the studies following the methodology outlined, the impact of situations such as opening the door, or power failure for a given period can be known. Further, through these procedures, it is possible to identify the hot spot and cold spot and the time required to regain the desired temperature conditions if disturbed because of adverse conditions.
1. Michael J.A., Anderson N.R., "Sterilization Validation." In R.A.Nash, A.H.Wachter, eds., Pharmaceutical Process Validation 3rd Ed. New York: Marcel Dekker, PP. 100(2003).
2. Food and Drug Administration, 21CFR 211.142 and 211.150 (Storage and Distribution).
3. The United States Pharmacopeia, Chapter 1079: Good Storage and Shipping Practices.
4. Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency, Rules and Guidance for Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Distributors 2007, Section IV "Guidance on Wholesale Distribution Practice" pg 358.
Francis Fernandes is Quality Assurance Manager of Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Colvale, Goa, India. He has over eight years in the pharmaceutical industry in areas that include manufacturing, technical services, and Quality Assurance. Mr. Francis Fernandes specializes in the validation of equipment, utilities, manufacturing, cleaning, and product processes. He can be reached by e-mail at,
Dr. Subhash Pande is Vice President Corporate Quality Assurance, in Glenmark Pharmaceutical Limited, Mumbai. Having over 20 years of experience in manufacturing, Quality Assurance of APIs, Sterile, Oral, and Semi-solid Oral dosage forms, Teaching and Research. A life member of Indian Pharmaceutical Congress and ISPE, he has more than twelve research papers published in National and International journals. He is also associated with IBC Asia, for training. He also is involved in academic activities in the capacity of Guest Lecturer and as Examiner. He can be reached by email at or
Article Acronym Listing
1.2 ObjectivesThe objective is to provide guidance on how to carry out the three types of qualification needed to meet the requirements of Good Storage Practice in temperaturecontrolled areas. These are Installation Qualification (IQ); Operational Qualification (OQ), and Performance Qualification (PQ).1.3 Target readershipThis document is relevant to wholesalers, warehouse operators, distributors, dispatchers and 3PLs who store TTSPPs. The specific target audience within these organizations includes those who have direct responsibility for quality management, for example, Quality Assurance (QA) Managers and Operations Managers.2. GuidanceThe purpose of qualification in the pharmaceutical and medical sector is to ensure that equipment or ancillary systems are properly installed, work correctly, and produce the specified performance outcomes under routine operating conditions.2.1 Associated materials and equipmentA qualification operation requires a sufficient number of electronic data logging monitors (EDLMs) to ensure that qualification activities can be carried out correctly. In addition, suitable computer equipment and software is needed to store and analyse the data. The chosen EDLMs should have the following characteristics:• Be technically suitable for the specific task and the intended operatingenvironment;• Provide a reliable and continuous reliable record of time-temperature data;• Have an appropriate temperature range so that all anticipated temperatureextremes can be recorded (e.g. from -30°C to +60°C).• Have a user-programmable data sampling period with time intervals ranging fromone minute to 15 minutes or more;• Have a NIST- traceable 3-point calibration certificate and have a guaranteed errorof no more than ± 0.5°C at each calibration point.• Recorded time-temperature data should be downloadable to a computer systemfor subsequent analysis;• Data storage and analytical software should comply with applicable regulatoryrequirements (e.g. FDA 21 CFR part 11).2.2 Introduction to qualificationQualification is part of validation, but the individual qualification steps do not inthemselves constitute process validation. Validation is the entire process by which aproduct is obtained from a manufacturer or distributor and is examined and tested before it is formally approved for routine use.A qualification exercise generally consists of three sequential phases: InstallationQualification (IQ), Operational Qualification (OQ), and Performance Qualification (PQ).a. Installation Qualification: The purpose of installation qualification (IQ) is to ensure that a new piece of equipment - together with all its related systems or sub-systems - has been installed in accordance with the relevant installation drawings and specifications.b. Operational Qualification: A successful operational qualification (OQ) exerciseprovides assurance that equipment which has successfully passed the IQ stageoperates in an effective and consistent manner. As a general rule, OQ is carried out on equipment when it is empty.c. Performance Qualification: Following OQ, a performance qualification (PQ)provides additional assurance through further testing that the equipment willwork correctly in the intended operational setting. The outcome of a successful PQexercise is a formal confirmation that the equipment, associated systems and operational processes can be ‘released’ for routine use. In contrast to OQ, PQ is carried out on equipment when it is full.2.2.1 Qualification applied to temperature-controlled storageQualification is commonly used to validate pharmaceutical manufacturing processes but it can also be applied to the pharmaceutical supply chain in general, and to temperaturecontrolled storage processes and equipment in particular.In this later context, temperature-controlled storage covers any area where TTSPPs have to be stored within a controlled temperature range (e.g.: 2-8°C, 15-25°C). This includes:• Active temperature-controlled storage equipment, including ultra-low freezers, freezers, freezer rooms, refrigerators, cold rooms and controlled-ambient stores.• Actively temperature-controlled transport equipment. This includes refrigerated and temperature-controlled trucks and vans, refrigerated and temperature-controlled ocean containers. Refer to the companion Technical Supplement: Qualification of temperature-controlled road vehicles.• Passive temperature-controlled packaging systems (shipping containers). This includes insulated containers used to maintain product temperature during roadand air transport. Refer to the companion Technical Supplement: Qualification of shipping containers.All temperature-controlled equipment and systems used to handle, store and distribute TTSPPs should be qualified.An integrated IQ, OQ and PQ procedure is commonly used to qualify temperature-controlled storage areas. Ideally the IQ, OQ and PQ procedures should be applied in a progressive and coordinated way, from the installation up to the final performance verification. However this may be more difficult if the storage areas and equipment are already in use.2.2.2 Installation qualificationThe IQ process should be completed first. Its purpose is to ensure that the storage areaand all its associated equipment and systems are clearly identified and have been correctly installed. This step must be completed before any further functional or operational tests are carried out.Specifically, an IQ process should:a. Identify the storage area and the equipment and systems required for it to operate correctly. Establish that all systems operate as specified;b. Establish the calibration status of all measuring devices (e.g. controllers and sensors);c. Ensure that standard operating procedures (SOPs) or work instructions are up-to- date and fit for purpose;d. Ensure that an effective preventive maintenance programme is in place.Once the IQ stage has been completed, the OQ and PQ can generally be carried outtogether as a single sequence of inspections and tests. These inspections and tests should be chosen to suit the specific characteristics, performance needs and operational conditions of the storage area being qualified.Operational qualification is carried out with the storage area empty. It typically involves the following activities:• Control panel tests and checks;• Alarm system tests and checks;• Assessment of temperature control and temperature distribution in the empty storage space or equipment8;• Power failure tests and checks.Performance qualification is carried out with the storage area fully operational, loaded and allowed to reach stabilized conditions. The following tests and checks should be carried out:• Temperature control and temperature distribution.• Temperature recovery following a door opening.2.3 Qualification protocolsPrepare, review and approve a detailed and comprehensive protocol before the qualification process begins.The qualification protocol should be a comprehensive document, which guides the user through the IQ, OQ and PQ processes and helps ensure that all temperature-controlled storage areas are correctly qualified. Each of the three protocols can be more or less generic. However generic documents should never be used unthinkingly; they should always be adapted to the specific type of temperature-controlled storage area; each installation must be linked to and qualified against its own specific qualification protocol.The qualification protocol should include the following sections:a. Approval page and change control history.b. Acronyms and glossary.c. Description and rationale.d. Scope and objectives.e. Key parameters.f. Procedures.g. Qualification report template.2.3.1 Approval page and change control historyInclude a standard template for recording approvals and changes to the document. The following is an example
Approvals Name Date Signature Authorized by: Reviewed by: Revised by: Original author: Version history
No Date Description of change Reason for change 1 Original 2 3 4 5 If the protocol has been prepared by a qualified third-party, it should be authorized by the responsible person within the commissioning organization.2.3.2 Acronyms and glossaryDefine the acronyms and technical terms used in the protocol.2.3.3 Description and rationaleDescribe the installation to be qualified and the equipment and related systems to beincluded in the qualification exercise and outline the reasons for carrying out the exercise.2.3.4 Scope and objectivesClearly define the scope and objectives of the qualification exercise.2.3.5 Key parametersDescribe the key parameters for the operation of the installation.2.3.6 ProceduresThe protocol for a specific installation should describe every relevant test or check procedure in detail, as follows:a. Title: Briefly describe the test or check;b. Target: Name the target system, sub-system or component;c. Procedure: Clearly describe the test or check procedure as a step-by-step process. Specify any associated materials or test equipment required;d. Acceptance: Define the acceptance criteria;e. Data collection: Include templates for all required data collection and test sheets. A generic set of IQ, OQ and PQ tests and checks is outlined in sections 2.4 to 2.7 below.The protocol should contain a template for the qualification report. This should include everything needed to satisfy internal compliance rules and regulatory requirements, as follows:a. Introduction: Describe the objectives of the qualification exercise.b. Summary: Outline the results of the qualification exercise. Include a summary of allrecorded deviations.c. Conclusions and recommendations: State whether the installation can be used forroutine operations. List all key recommendations that need to be acted upon; this should include a complete list of all changes that need to be made to the installation to correct reported failures recorded on the qualification inspection and test data sheets.d. Report annexes: Append the following supporting material:− Raw data as recorded on the appropriate inspection and test data sheets (see below). In addition, include all associated spreadsheets and graphs.− Key documents and notes prepared during the qualification exercise, together with any other supporting material.− Deviation reports, including Corrective and Preventive Actions (CAPA) forms, if required.− Calibration certificates for all EDLMs used.− Calibration certificates for the control and monitoring systems that form part of the installation.− List all members of the qualification team, and their designations.All data sheets, results, spreadsheets and graphs must be reviewed by an independent person who was not involved in conducting the qualification exercise. The reviewer should confirm, approve and sign results of the major tests and checks.2.3.8 Approval processIf qualification is carried out as an in-house process, the IQ/OQ/PQ protocols andsubsequent qualification reports must be authorized by the responsible manager(s) and quality assurance personnel within the organization.If qualification is carried out by a qualified third-party, both the IQ/OQ/PQ protocols and subsequent qualification reports must be approved by the responsible person in the thirdparty organization.2.4 Installation qualificationThe purpose of installation qualification is to establish that all elements of the storage area, including building work, equipment, systems, sub-systems and components are in accordance with the installation drawings and specifications. The first stage is to itemise all these key elements. The next stage is to establish how each element should be inspected and tested in order to confirm compliance.Once these preliminary stages have been completed, on-site inspection and testing can begin. Proceed as follows:works.• Carry out a detailed inspection of the electrical services.• Carry out a detailed inspection of the mechanical services.• Carry out tests to confirm that the specified environmental condition requirementshave been met.• Identify, list and inspect the spare parts supplied as part of the installation.• Identify, list and inspect any auxiliary equipment associated with, but not part ofthe installation, such as standby generators, security systems and the like.• Confirm that satisfactory arrangements are in place to ensure an effectivepreventive maintenance programme for the complete installaton.2.4.1 Identifying critical componentsAlthough all parts of a temperature-controlled installation should be included in the IQ, there are certain critical elements that merit particularly close attention.Refrigerators, freezers and other simple equipment: The critical parts of this type ofequipment are the thermostat and its associated control sensor and the temperature monitoring device (thermometer or recorder) and its sensor; this may be a separate component such as a disposable 30 day temperature recorder9.Complex equipment: This includes freezer rooms, cold rooms, pick coolers and morecomplex and specialized refrigerators and freezers, with a longer list of key components. Critical parts include the controller, sensor, cooling unit, condenser and evaporator. For freezer rooms and cold rooms, the room enclosure itself is also critical because these are site assembled from separate panel elements10. All of these key components should be identified, listed, described and checked.If the equipment has duplicate or multiple instances of any components or systems, each one should be checked. Critical components and systems that are directly involved in temperature control and measurement should also be checked for accuracy and calibration. Calibration certificates should be checked and copies included in the IQ report.2.4.2 Checking installed systems, sub-systems and componentsTable 1 shows the type of record used to check and record installed systems and components. The example given here is for a cold room refrigeration unit.
Sub-system or component inspection and test table Location: SOUTH WAREHOUSE System: Cold room #1 Sub-system/component: Refrigeration unit #1 Inspection or test: Inspection: Test: Type of inspection/test: IQ protocol: visual check RFU-01 Details: Specified As found Pass or Fail Manufacturer: ABC refrigeration ABC refrigeration Pass Model: TTW50 TTW40 Fail Serial number: Not specified TTW40-1310-025 Fail Internal ID number: CR1/RFU01 CR1/RFU01 Pass Deviation report ref:Enter ‘none’ if no deviation DEV/001 Inspected by: AG Date: 27 Oct 2013 Checked by: JB Date: 5 Nov 2013 For each system, sub-system or component, the table allows the IQ inspector to list thecritical attributes of what was originally specified in the requirements specification or on the installation drawings (the ‘specified’ column), what was actually installed (the ‘as found column) and whether or not it complies (the ‘pass or fail’ column).a. Specified conditions: The ‘location’, ‘system’, component’ cells and the ‘specified’column should be completed before the inspection begins. The same applies to the subsequent Tables 2 to 4. Pre-filling the table helps the IQ inspector to locate the listed item and check that it has been installed correctly. Where details are notavailable - in the above example the serial number of the refrigeration unit - enter ‘not specified’. In addition, record whether an inspection and/or test(s) are to be carried out to assess compliance and describe the type of inspection and/or test(s)to be used. Key this back to the relevant section of the qualification protocol.b. As found column: Use this column to record details of the item as found at the timeof the inspection. To achieve a ‘pass’, the installed sub-system or component must meet or exceed the specified condition. In the Table 1 example, although the refrigeration unit has been supplied by the specified manufacturer, the unit installed has a lower power rating than the one specified.c. Pass or Fail column: Compliance is achieved when an item fully meets or exceedsthe specification or the specified performance conditions. In the Table 1 example, the correct manufacturer has supplied the unit, so this is a ‘pass’. However, the refrigeration capacity of the installed unit is too small, so this is a ‘fail’. Deviation report: Wherever a deviation is observed, this must be recorded on a separate deviation report form. Each inspection table should include a space torecord a cross-reference to the relevant deviation report. If there are no deviations, enter ‘none’ - see example of deviation report in Annex 1).e. Signatures: The completed sheet should be signed or initialled by the inspector and checked by the designated reviewer.Use drawings, photographs and other supporting material to amplify and support the information recorded in the table.2.4.3 Checking electrical systems and requirementsBecause the installed electrical system typically connects to multiple components, itrequires a separate inspection and qualification procedure. Table 2 can be used to record the overall compliance of the installed electrical system. Table 3 is used to identify and check the critical components of the system.Table 2 - Overall compliance check for electrical installation
Electrical installation: system compliance check sheet Location: SOUTH WAREHOUSE System: Electrical installation Sub-system/component: 3-phase supply to cold room #1 Inspection or test: Inspection: Test Type of inspection/test: IQ protocol: visual check ELEC-01 Items Specified As found Pass or Fail Main voltage (V): 415 V 415 V Pass Cycles (Hz): 50Hz 50Hz Pass Amperage (A): 100 A 100 A Pass Phase: 3 3 Pass Inspected by: AG Date: 27 Oct 2013 Checked by: JB Date: 5 Nov 2013
Electrical installation: critical component check sheet Location: SOUTH WAREHOUSE System: Electrical installation Sub-system/component: 3-phase supply to refrigeration unit A Inspection or test: Inspection Test: Type of inspection/test: IQ protocol: visual check ELEC-05 Electric supply Specified As found Pass or Fail Breaker location / servicepanel Panel A Panel A Pass Circuit / breaker number Not specified RFU-1 Pass Circuit voltage (V) 315 315 Pass Circuit amperage (A) 30 A 20 A Fail Circuit phase 3 3 Pass Emergency power? Required Yes No ☐ Pass Isolating switch? Required Yes No ☐ Pass Is the electrical supplycompatible with electricalrequirement? Required Yes No Fail Grounded? Required Yes No Pass Special isolation /shielding? Not required Yes No Pass Is the circuit breakerproperly identified? Required Yes No Pass Inspected by: AG Date: 27 Oct 2013 Checked by: JB Date: 5 Nov 2013 The service panel and circuit breakers that apply to the various critical components should be clearly labelled both at the service panel itself and at the component.
Environmental control and monitoring system check sheet Location: SOUTH WAREHOUSE System: Cold room #1 Sub-system/component: As above Inspection or test: Inspection: Test: Type of inspection/test: IQ protocol: visual check ENV-01 and instrumentedmeasurement ENV-02 Items Specified As found Pass or Fail Cleanliness: All surfaces clean Floor dusty Fail Fumes: None perceptible None perceptible Pass Vibrations: None perceptible RFU #1 vibrating Fail Temperature control: Single sensor Single sensor Pass Humidity control: No active control No active control Pass Temperature monitoring: 3 sensors 3 sensors Pass Humidity monitoring: None None Pass Temperature (°C): +2°C to +8°C +5.5°C (sensor 1)+6.1°C (sensor 2)+4.9°C (sensor 3) Pass Humidity (% RH): 60% to 75% 70% Pass Inspected by: AG Date: 27 Oct 2013 Checked by: JB Date: 5 Nov 2013 2.4.5 Checking spare partsIf applicable, include a section in the IQ report on change parts and list those that havebeen provided as part of the installation. These parts need to be checked for compliance as described above in section Checking auxiliary equipmentThe installation may have ‘auxiliary equipment’ associated with it, which is not directly included in the scope of the IQ inspection. An example might be a security and alarm system. This equipment should be identified and listed in the IQ report. The report should also include a description of the electrical, electronic or other interfaces between this equipment and the installation itself.An effective preventive maintenance program (PMP) cannot be implemented unless the relevant key elements are in place. The IQ inspector should check the following:a. Is all the equipment and are all key components listed in the equipment inventory?b. Are all these items labelled in accordance with the organization’s equipment management policies?c. Is there an equipment inventory file, and where is it located?d. Is there a maintenance logbook, and where is it located?All relevant documentation, drawings and installation and commissioning records should be collected together in an equipment file and attached to the IQ report. Table 5 shows one way to index this information in tabular form.Table 5 - Equipment file index
Information available in the equipment file Equipment orcomponent ID Equipment orcomponent name TS OI MI RS Record type Record number TS = Technical specifications MI = Maintenance instructionsOI = Operating instructions RS = Recommended spare parts list2.4.8 Writing the IQ reportAs soon as the IQ assessment has been completed, prepare a report as outlined above in section 2.3.11. Pay particular attention to the following points:• Make sure that all of the sections included in the IQ protocol have been completed, signed and dated.• Record all deviations from the installation drawings and specifications in thedeviation report section. Make sure that each deviation is cross-referenced to the relevant sections of the IQ protocol.• Specify the actions that need to be taken to correct the reported deviations and state the person or organization responsible for completing these actions.• Transcribe any hand-written notes made by the IQ team into the relevant sections of the report.• List all members of the qualification team, and their designations.2.5 Operational qualificationDo not begin the operational qualification stage until all of the deviations recorded during the IQ inspection have been and sub-systems operate effectively and consistently when the storage area isempty. As soon as the OQ process has been completed and the installation has beenapproved, the next step is to carry on to the performance qualification (PQ) stage, with the storage area full. Once the entire OQ/PQ process has been successfully completed, the installation can be signed off and fully released for routine operation.An OQ inspection should cover the following points:• Check the calibration of all temperature measuring and controlling systems andcomponents.• Test the installation’s control systems and check that these systems functioncorrectly. Check the system set points.• If there is a temperature alarm system, set the low and high alarm limits and set upand test the relevant alarm outputs such as email messages, SMS messages and telephone contacts. Record the results.• Carry out a temperature mapping of the empty storage area and record the results.See Technical Supplement: Temperature mapping of storage areas.• Ensure that all relevant standard operating procedures (SOPs) are available, thatrelevant personnel have been trained to follow these SOPs and that training records are in place.2.5.1 Checking installed systems, sub-systems and componentsAs with the IQ procedure described in section 2.4.2, the OQ inspection and test tables and report should record the specified condition and the as found conditions and should confirm whether the as found condition is a pass or a fail. All deviations should be recorded, and the assessment results should be signed by the inspector and checked by the independent reviewer.2.5.2 Calibration of controllers and sensorsAll the controllers and sensors that form part of the installation should operate correctly and have valid calibration certificates. These certificates should be attached to the OQ report. Controllers and sensors should be suitably tagged so that they can be identified. Each tag should record the component ID, the calibration date and the calibration expiry date.The objectives of the inspection are to:• Check that all critical controllers and sensors have been calibrated and that the calibration status is current.• Ensure that all these controllers and sensors are added to a calibration and preventive maintenance programme.In order to meet the acceptance criteria, every critical controller and sensor should have:• A current calibration certificate, with the certificate available.• A calibration that is traceable to national standards.• An individual record in the calibration section of the preventive maintenance programme.2.5.3 Standard operating proceduresThere should be a comprehensive set of SOPs which cover all relevant aspects of the installation, routine operation and maintenance of the installation. These should be reviewed as follows:• Check that that all required SOPs have been written.• Check that their content relates to the actual installed equipment and the specific operational requirements of the installation.• Check that a training programme is in place, based on the content of the SOPs. The following acceptance criteria apply:• All SOPs must be approved and available.• All SOPs must be consistent with operational requirements.• There must be a training record, directly associated with each SOP, to demonstrate that training has been conducted..2.5.4 Control panelThe objective of the control panel inspection is to establish that all temperature controls, indicators and other displays operate in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications. This inspection is equipment-specific and should be drawn up to suit the system that has been installed.The acceptance criterion is that all these elements are fully operational.2.5.5 Alarm testsThe purpose of the alarm tests is to confirming that the alarm system operates inaccordance with the design specifications. For temperature alarm systems, there should be one high alarm test and one low alarm test. If the system also has an event alarm system - for example a door open alarm - this should also be tested.For each test, record the alarm settings and trigger the desired alarm event. Confirm that the alarm system is activated. Activation may be indicated by an alarm sounder or alarm strobe, by a signal to an alarm company which provides a remote monitoring service (SaaS), by SMS or telephone message or by any combination of these - all relevant systems need to be tested.Once the alarm tests have been completed, record the results on an alarm system test sheet. A simple example is shown in Table 6. More complex alarm systems will need a more complex test sheet. Table 6 - Alarm system test sheet
Alarm system test sheet Test Operation Compliance Deviationreportnumber Testedby Date Yes No High temperature alarm Alarm activated. Low temperature alarm Alarm activated. High alarm setting: Low alarm setting: Checked by: Date: 2.5.6 Temperature mapping - emptyThe objective of the temperature mapping test is to demonstrate that the installation iscapable of controlling and maintaining a uniform temperature when the storage area isempty. The complete area should be monitored for a period of at least 24 hours usingelectronic data logging monitors (EDLMs). Table 7 shows how the data should be recorded for an operational qualification test.Table 7 - Test data sheet: temperature distribution
Data loggerID number Min. temp.Recorded(°C) Max temp.Recorded(°C) Meantemp.(°C) Within range? Yes No Inspected by Date DL-001 DL-002 DL-003 DL-004 DL-005 DL-006 DL-007 DL-XXX Mapping period starts at (date/hour): Mapping period ends at (date/hour): Checked by: Date: Note: The mapping procedure is fully described in the companion Technical Supplement: Temperature mapping of storage areas. However, in contrast to a full temperature mapping exercise, mapping equipment for a qualification exercise only needs to be done once. Table 7 is taken from Annex 1 of that supplement11.2.5.7 Power failure testThe power failure test relies on the same data logger setup as the temperature mapping test. The objective of the test sequence is to establish and record:• The length of time during which the installation can maintain the specifiedtemperature range following a power failure - this known as the holdover time.• How long it takes the installation to recover within the specified range once power is restored.The results of these tests are simply recorded - there is no deviation report. For coldrooms, freezer rooms and other large temperature-controlled stores12 there are usually no set acceptance criteria to be reached in this test. However, the test data are useful for the store operator for emergency planning and other purposes; for example, planning the installation and operation of standby generators.Power failure test:a. Fixed power failure period: In this version of the test the power is stopped for apredefined time period - for example, two hours - regardless of whether or not the temperature inside the storage area exceeds the required temperature range. Power is then returned and the time taken for the storage area to recover within the specified temperature range is measured.Because both these tests may trigger a temperature excursion, carrying them out when the store is full of TTSPPs can place stored products at risk. For this reason it is best carried out during operational qualification when the store is empty. Table 8 gives an example of a power failure test sheet.11 The temperature mapping supplement recommends that mapping should be carried out in both the hottest and coldest months. However, for the purpose of operational qualification, only one mapping exercise is required.12 In settings with unreliable electricity, holdover is an important performance feature of mainspowered freezers and refrigerators. For WHO prequalified vaccine refrigerators, the holdover time is laboratory tested and reported. See the WHO PQS website at:
Data loggerID number Power offTime temperature waswithin range (hh:mm) Power onTime to recover withinrange (hh:mm) Inspected by Date DL-001 DL-002 DL-003 DL-004 DL-005 DL-006 DL-007 DL-008 DL-009 DL-XXX Power turned off at (hh:mm): Power turned on at (hh:mm): Checked by: Date: 2.5.8 Writing the OQ reportAs soon as the OQ assessment has been completed, prepare a report as outlined above in section 2.3.11. Pay particular attention to the following points:• Make sure that all of the sections included in the OQ protocol have been completed, signed and dated.• Record all deviations from the installation drawings and specifications in thedeviation report section. Make sure that each deviation is cross-referenced to the relevant sections of the OQ protocol.• Transcribe any hand written notes made by the OQ team into the relevant sections of the report.• Specify the actions that need to be taken to correct the reported deviations and state the person or organization responsible for completing these actions.• List all members of the qualification team, and their designations.2.6.1 Checking installed systems, sub-systems and componentsAs with the IQ procedure described in section 2.4.2 and the OQ inspection in section 2.5.1, the PQ inspection and test tables and report should record the specified condition and the as found conditions and should confirm whether the as found condition is a pass or a fail. All deviations should be recorded, and the assessment results should be signed by the inspector and checked by the independent reviewer.2.6.2 Temperature mapping - fullThe temperature mapping exercise described in OQ section 2.5.6 is repeated, but with the storage area normally loaded with TTSPPs. The same arrangement of EDLMs should be used for the PQ mapping as for the OQ mapping.2.6.3 Temperature recovery after door openingThe purpose of the door opening temperature recovery test is to establish that thetemperature within the store can return to the specified temperature range within the specified time following a door opening event. The following test parameters should be observed:• The same arrangement of EDLMs should be used as for the OQ and PQ mapping tests.• The chosen door open period used for the test should represent actual dooropening behaviour observed during routine operations. If there is a single door, the critical factor is the maximum observed length of opening. If there is more than one door, the critical factors are the length of opening, the sequence ofopening, and whether more than one door needs to be left open at the same time. The acceptance criterion for this test is that temperature recorded by all the EDLMs located inside the storage area should return within the specified temperature range (e.g. 2°C to 8°C) within 30 minutes after the door(s) are closed at the end of the door opening test sequence. Table 9 shows an example of a door opening test sheet.Table 9 - Door opening test sheet
Data loggerID number Time to return to within specifiedtemperature range(min) Compliance? Yes No Inspected by Date DL-001 DL-002 DL-003 DL-004 DL-005 DL-006 DL-007 DL-XXX Door(s) opened at (hh:mm): Door(s) closed at (hh:mm): Checked by: Date: • Cloud, Phillip A. Pharmaceutical Equipment Validation: The Ultimate Qualification
Guidebook. Interpharm Press, 1998.• Health Canada (HPFB Inspectorate). Guide0001, Good Manufacturing Practices(GMP), Guidelines - 2009 Edition, Version 2.
• HealthCanada (HPFB Inspectorate). Guide 0069, Guidelines for temperature Control of Drug Products during Storage andTransportation. October 17, 2005.• United States Pharmaceopaedia: Chapter 1079: Good Storage & Shipping Practices.
• US Food & Drug Administration (FDA). cGMP Regulations 21 CFR part 210.
• US Food & Drug Administration (FDA). cGMP Regulations 21 CFR part 211.
• US Food & Drug Administration (FDA). cGMP Regulations 21 CFR part 820.
• WHO Technical Supplement. Calibration of temperature control and monitoring devices.• WHO Technical Supplement. Temperature and humidity monitoring systems for fixed storage areas.• WHO Technical Supplement. Temperature mapping of storage areas.
Change summary
Reason for change
Report Number:
Documented by:
Does this deviation have sufficient impact on the
qualification to require a
corrective action?
Documented by:
Documented by:
Does corrective action resolve the deviation?
(Attach all resulting test data sheets with this
Not applicable
Can this deviation be closed?
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Software validation is a part of the design validation for a finished device, but is not separately defined in the Quality System regulation.
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Such cold rooms are now available commercially as walk-in chambers and are used for the storage of critical pharmaceutical products, samples, and raw materials where excursions in temperature conditions may affect the quality of stored material(s) in terms of their appearance (color), consistency.
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Validation is "Establishing documented evidence that provides a high degree of assurance that a specific process will consistently produce a product meeting its pre-determined specifications and quality attributes.".[4] A properly designed system will provide a high degree of assurance that every step, process, and change has been properly evaluated before its implementation. Testing a sample of a final product is not considered sufficient evidence that every product within a batch meets the required specificationclick here
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Francis Fernandes is Quality Assurance Manager of Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Colvale, Goa, India. He has over eight years in the pharmaceutical industry in areas that include manufacturing, technical services, and Quality Assurance. Mr. Francis Fernandes specializes in the validation of equipment, utilities, manufacturing, cleaning, and product processes. He can be reached by e-mail at,
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I'm a person who takes things literally, so when I see the words "should be done annually" the word "should" tells me it is not mandatory, and when I see the words "should do an open door challenge or simulated power failure", again, the word "should" tell me it is not mandatory. When I hear people say well it's "industry standard", that also does not equate to something or a process being mandatory from any agency.
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